The ‘best fit’ option as described in the consultation document
means the Royal Glamorgan in Llantrisant would lose these services. The health board have become very touchy when
people have described this as their preferred option, they say it is not, it is
just the ‘best fit.’ Go figure!
Over the coming weeks there will be a territorial battle between
supporters of the Royal Glamorgan and
the Princess of Wales hospital in Bridgend. Not only residents will be taking to the
streets, but politicians of all hues will be locking horns, not just party
against party, but internal clashes too.
In the red corner, fighting for the Princess of Wales, we
have the Labour party, and in the err red corner fighting for the Royal
Glamorgan we have, err, the Labour party.
Strange really as the party responsible for setting all this
in motion and indeed for failing to do anything about staff shortages for years is,
um, the Labour party.
The idea of devolution still has not hit home with many people
in Wales. Aided by a UK dominated media
and a Labour leaning local press there is much confusion as to who is
responsible. The Labour party like to
add to this confusion blaming the UK Government for absolutely everything. Pontypridd MP Owen Smith is leading the pack
in this, to the extent that it is getting really boring.
Meanwhile Leighton Andrews and Slick Mick Antoniw have leapt
forward like Batman and Robin, underpants outside their trousers, to fight for
their local services. Bit late really, especially
in Slick’s case. He couldn’t even be bothered
to put in a submission to the original public engagement exercise, although is trying
to claim he did. Problem is the letter
he says he wrote is on the RCT Labour campaign website and is dated a month
after the consultation ended.
Along with Chris Bryant MP for the Rhondda (who knows a thing
or two about underpants in public) they came dashing across our tv screens like
the four horsemen of the apocalypse launching their campaign - Labour for the Royal Glamorgan.
Having set up the so called campaign in a flurry of tv
activity what have they done since? Precious
little it seems. Away from the glare of the tv cameras Chris Bryant is already saying
he thinks it is all a done deal anyway.
So much for fighting our corner.
Slick is a little upright about the while issue, so much so
that he threatened to block me from his twitter account if I didn’t stop posting
in his opinion ‘inane’ comments - apparently direct political questioning is ‘trolling’
according to him. Not something I’ll be
losing any sleep about.