This is a copy of my online submission to RCT Council regarding the phase 1 proposed cuts. Views can be submitteed by following
this link.
Comments Pages 1
& 2 General & Nursery Education
I have a child in nursery education or not is immaterial, we are talking about
the provision of services across RCT and whether they are fair and
equitable. That opinion can be formed
whether or not there is a personal interest involved.
add to my responses to the multiple choice questions:
There should be no presumption that the Council needs to reduce services,
instead it should first look at alternative means of providing those services
and making savings not cutting services. This is a leading question.
The proposals will not in my opinion result in a reasonable level of service in
all instances. I think part time nursery education is far from reasonable given
the long history we have in RCT of full time provision.
am not convinced they will be sustainable over the medium term, there has been
no real evidence produced of that. As
has been said by the First Minister and The Local Government Minister RCT has
failed to take adequate note of the warnings they have had about financial
cutbacks over the past three years, there is no evidence lessons have been
question of whether the services will be as good or better than elsewhere is
impossible to judge and is, like many of the questions, a misleading question. You could ask whether the level of provision
will be the same but not if it will be as good.
Just because RCT will provide the same level of service as other Councils does
not make it fair.
Comments Page 3 Meals
on Wheels.
whether I am a user of this particular service or not is immaterial, we are
talking about the provision of services across RCT and whether they are fair
and equitable. That opinion can be
formed and is valid whether or not there is a personal interest involved.
concern here is that there are a small number of vulnerable people who may not
be capable of heating a meal themselves, and I would want to be assured that
there will be adequate provision made for these.
Comments Page 4
would agree that it is not financially viable to keep open libraries that are
not being used sufficiently. I would
hope that alternative provision would be looked at i.e. more widespread mobile
provision and the possibility of locating smaller units in other buildings.
Comments Page 5 Youth
am not a user of these services, however I am a Secondary School Governor and
have seen how valued the E3 provision is.
I am very concerned by the removal of transport associated with E3 as
this will make it impossible for many to attend as they will not be able to get
home afterwards.
Estyn survey last year identified that there were issues around youth provision
and it was not always reaching the right people. There is no evidence in the report to Cabinet
that this has been addressed with the proposed changes instead they appear to
be purely financially based.
Comments Page 6 Day
would agree that it is not financially viable to keep open centres that are not
being used at the substantial cost they incur. I also think that the provision
is unnecessary for all over 50.
Additional Comments
about other services.
should be a substantial cutback in the PR department which is a luxury this
Council cannot afford.
use of consultants must be cut out, why pay specialist Officers if they cannot
provide the advice the Council needs on such issues as HR and legal matters.
at cutting a tier of management, front line staff are more vital to the
provision of equitable and adequate services.
at ways of using the third sector, community businesses and private companies
more for delivery of certain services if they will deliver the same or a better
standard of service at a lower cost eg leisure services, catering across the
board, child care (there should be no need for Council run child care services
and the back-up teams involved in running them.
CSSIW regulate the provision, there is no need for RCT back up.
knowing what is planned for future phases it is very difficult to comment
fully. It would have been much easier ha
this Council followed the same route as others and laid out all its proposals
in one go.
Q35 – equality
these proposals will not affect me personally because of any of these reasons
they will affect others unfairly.
at Welsh Medium and Faith schools will be disproportionately hit by the removal
of transport to schools and the cut to part time education.
will be unfairly hit, as they are the ones statistically more likely to be in
lower paid or part time jobs which they will have to give up if they cannot
find or afford childcare. Also the large
proportion of Nursery school teachers and teaching assistants who stand to lose
their jobs are female.
in poverty will be hardest hit as they will lose out on essential education and
the social benefits that being in school full time and having a hot meal at
lunchtime brings.