Yet more Labour propaganda hitting our streets spreading the same tired message.
This time it is the glossy ‘newsletter’ telling people all about the regeneration of Ponty.
The Council PR department have issued a press release about it! Yep, good innit? A press release about a newsletter which includes a series of stories that have already been press released anyway.
As the press release says
“The newsletter illustrates the completed areas of work at Mill Street and Church Street along with the ongoing phases in neighbouring Taff Street, High Street and Market Street. It also explains the exciting works taking place at Penuel Square and to the iconic Fountain.”
“It also celebrates the news that yet another commercial property owner in the town centre has received major financial support to improve his building as part of the Council’s Townscape Enhancement Programme.”
Which you can read on RCT CBC website here
“Readers will learn more about the success enjoyed by a team of Pontypridd High School pupils who are compiling a series of short documentaries regarding the scheme and their recent recognition in attaining a film award for their efforts.”
A story which appeared here
And then there is
“The newsletter includes a series of images of the unveiling of Pontypridd’s Roll of Honour War Memorial which welcomed hundreds of visitors, including war veterans and families of those who made the ultimate sacrifice.”
Seen in a whole string of press releases here
“Finally, the newsletter includes articles relating to the many other private sector investment projects taking place in Pontypridd, most notably the £50million Sainsbury’s project, Riverside Shopping Centre and the refurbishment programme at Pontypridd Museum.”
You’re getting the picture by now. Or pictures, all of them of Labour Councillors looking suitably smug.
The whole lot is repeated on the ‘Love Ponty’ website maintained by the Council.
If you are not amongst the lucky few thousand to receive a copy then you can read it here
The Council already spends £65K on its ‘Outlook’ newsletter. What is the point of this if not to provide Labour with extra election material at the taxpayers’ expense?
And they are putting Council Tax up by 2.5%