Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Labour’s former Home Sec has got to be joking.

Jacqui Smith defends inmates painting home
The Independent, along with a whole raft of other papers reveal today that Jacqui Smith, Labour’s former Home Secretary is at the centre of controversy yet again.
She resigned her Cabinet post of course after being caught claiming for her husband’s porn films on the Parliamentary expense account.  She expressed little regret over that incident and has adopted a similar attitude this time when it has come to light that she used two prisoners on day release from HMP Hewell to paint her luxury flat.
It is reported that
A Prison Service spokesman said the offenders were supposed to be doing work to "help the whole community" as part of a scheme run by a local charity, the Batchley Support Group.
He said: "The decision to provide prisoners for this work was taken without consultation with HMP Hewell or the Ministry of Justice and was a mistake.
"Offenders should work on projects which help the whole community.
"The scheme has been suspended while a full internal investigation is undertaken."
Ms Smith appeared on radio to not only defend her actions but to have a go at The Sun newspaper for "having a go at me".
She said: "You may or may not have seen the front of The Sun but they are having a bit of a go at me today because two prisoners who were coming towards the end of their sentence and doing work experience carried out about three hours' work at my house doing a bit of decorating.
"It hadn't been cleared with the prison authorities in advance and they've now launched an inquiry and The Sun is having a go at me.
I know that when it's anything to do with me, the papers like to put probably the very worst spin they possibly can on it and in my view, that's what The Sun has done today."
This woman surely cannot be living in the real world if she thinks anyone could find her behavior acceptable?   The Labour party – don’t you just love ‘em?

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