Monday, August 22, 2011

Ode to Ponty Town

Just when you think it can't get any more bizarre RCT's Labour administration have now commissioned a poet and two artists to collect bits of local poetry and songs which will then be inlaid into granite and laid as part of the paving in Pontypridd town centre.

The poet is of course essential as there is nobody within the Council capable of using a Google search to come up with some local writings.  And the two artists will then have a major job on their hands in working out an appropriate design.

This will no doubt be of great comfort to the tradespeople of Pontypridd.  The Council who cannot afford to cut car parking charges to help entice people in to the town can afford to employ three people to design a bit of paving.

How about this bit of amateur poetry - think it is worth submitting?

Let’s regenerate Ponty town
By laying brand new paving down
Employ an artist and a writer
To make the street scene that much brighter
Let’s engrave fine words in granite
Are they of this f*ing planet?
The town is dying on its feet
It’s shops we need here in Taff Street
The Labour party spend on art
Whilst we’re going to hell in a hand cart

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